Ifsttar PhD subject


Version française

Application are opened until lundi 21 avril 2025 23h

Axe : 1 - COP2017 - Efficient transport and safe travel
SR PhD subject Referent Speciality
AME - GEOLOC Optimization of guide dog-recipient matching through gait and behavior analysis RENAUDIN Valérie Traitement du signal, intelligence artificielle, mobilité durable
AME - GEOLOC Intelligent and low-cost labeling for multisensory navigation data with reinforcement learning: contribution to the reliability and robustness of the location-based services ZHU Ni Informatique, Traitement du signal, Navigation, IA
AME - MODIS Gender, (in)vulnerability and risk perception DEVIF Julie Psychologie sociale du développement
COSYS - LEOST 6G communications for secondary railway lines BERBINEAU Marion électronique, traitement du signal
COSYS - LEOST LEO satellites for a robust localisation system in a railway environment MARAIS Juliette Navigation, Traitement du signal
Reliability and resilience of wireless communications in land transport systems WAHL Martine / COLLART-DUTILLEUL Simon Informatique, Télécommunication
COSYS - PICS-L Estimation and control of the dynamics of a bicycle for improving the safety and mobility of cyclists in interaction with their environment IMINE Hocine Automatique, traitement du signal
COSYS - SII Optimization of road network management based on the three weighted criteria of vehicle consumption, safety, and mobility efficiency COIRET Alex modélisation, expérimentation, réseaux de transport
LAPEA Perception of near and far space: role of sensorimotor information GYSELINCK Valérie psychologie
LMA The effects of residential location on the safety and mobility of residents: a comparison between central cities and suburban communities CLABAUX Nicolas Aménagement de l’espace, urbanisme
LMA Prediction of a PTW accident seriousness based on on-board sensors SERRE Thierry sciences pour l'ingénieur
SATIE Contributions of generative artificial intelligence for the detection of critical events in the driving episode of an electric two-wheeler BOUBEZOUL Abderrahmane IA, Traitement et analyse de données
SATIE Intent-Driven 3D digital pedestrian behavior modeling and simulation in an interaction environment YIN Biao Informatique, automatique, IA


Axe : 2 - COP2017 - More efficient and resilient infrastructure
SR PhD subject Referent Speciality
How can we design an intelligent, autonomous and eco-responsible vehicle ecosystem (V2X)? MENDIBOURE Leo / BERBINEAU Marion Informatique 27 et Traitement du signal 61
COSYS - IMSE Development of distributed optical fiber sensor based on a new concept of optical reflectometry KHADOUR Aghiad Optoelectonique, Photoniques, Instrumentation par fibres optiques
COSYS - IMSE Impact of environmental perturbations on distributed fiber optic sensors KHADOUR Aghiad Capteurs à fibres optiques repartis; Analyse et traitement de données massives
Nonlinear control of electric vehicles charging to cope with power systems inertia reduction and frequency instability DAMM Gilney / NETTO Mariana Mathématiques appliquées, Automatique
COSYS - LEOST Contribution to assessing and improving the robustness of FRMCS communications in a railway environment and in the face of the risks of cyberattacks. DENIAU Virginie Télécommunication, électromagnétisme, cybersécurité
COSYS - SII Taking into account metrological aging and network failure inside sensor networks applied to structural monitoring LE CAM Vincent Traitement de signal, mathématiques, statistiques et filtrage, métrologie et instrumentation
GERS - CG Physical and Numerical Modeling of Suction Anchors for Floating Wind Turbines under Complex Seabed Drainage Conditions (MASE) BLANC Matthieu Génie Civil; Géotechnique
GERS - GIE Durability of Stabilized soil using Enzyme and Bio-Based ashes as an alternative binder for Improved Resilience to Climate Change RAZAKAMANANTSOA Andry Génie Civil - science des matériaux
GERS - SRO Prediction of mechanical and hydraulic properties of soils treated with cement, lime and alternative binders from image analysis. Use of Machine learning methods. LE KOUBY Alain Géotechnique
GERS - SRO Soil-structure interaction: Optimising the design of deep foundations using an innovative experimental approach REIFFSTECK Philippe Geotechnique
MAST - CPDM Development of reactive materials in low carbon footprint binder from nuclear and industrial wastes BOURCHY Agathe Science des matériaux
Understanding the hydration and the durability mechanisms of low-carbon concretes SAILLIO Mickaël / OMIKRINE METALSSI Othman Chimie
MAST - EMGCU Study of the corrosion diagnosis of the steel-concrete interface using non-destructive tests and/or continuous monitoring using sensors BOUTEILLER Véronique Génie civil, Physico-chimie, Electronique et Informatique
MAST - EMGCU Development of surface-reactive reinforcement for reinforced concrete MARCHETTI Mario génie civil ; béton ; ; armatures ; matériaux
MAST - EMGCU Structural behaviour of compressible segments ring of a deep tunnel : structural health monitoring via embedded sensors TERRADE Benjamin Génie civil
MAST - GPEM Multi-scale energy optimisation of rotating drums HUCHET Florian génie des procédés
MAST - GPEM Coupled modeling of strength, durability and workability performance of concrete for environmental design VENTURA Anne Génie Civil
Natural stabilization by microbial action to mobilize iron in raw earth materials. MCGREGOR Fionn / DUC Myriam Génie Civil
MAST - LAMES Signal correction methodology for a pavement profilometer based on the dynamic behavior of the carrier vehicle MENANT Fabien mécanique / vibrations, Génie civil
MAST - MIT Towards the development of sustainable solution for roads: A long-term mechanical evaluation of low environmental impact materials HAMMOUM Ferhat Mécanique des matériaux
MAST - SMC Influence of the initial characteristics of the surface of weathering steels on their long-term behavior. GAILLET Laurent Génie Civil
Mix-design of mineral-binder materials for sustainable construction: the contribution of artificial intelligence to multi-criteria optimization SALEM Thouraya / BERCHER Jean-françois Génie Civil ; Science des Matériaux ; Science des Données
Navier Drying and aging of green wood used in traditional building CARE Sabine Mécanique des matériaux - Structures Génie Civil
Navier Unsaturated Wet Granular Flows: In-Situ X-Ray Microtomography for Studying Liquid Bridge Dynamics Under Shear FALL Abdoulaye Physique


Axe : 3 - COP2017 - Planning and protecting regions
SR PhD subject Referent Speciality
AME - EASE Characterization of brake-wear particle emissions from passenger cars, light commercial and heavy-duty vehicles, by complementarity of on-board and chassis dynamometer measurements VANSEVENANT Boris Sciences de l'ingénieur
AME - MODIS Attitudes towards sustainable life style and public policy acceptability MARTINEZ frederic Psychologie sociale
GERS - CG Comparison of the seismic performances of rigid inclusions, unconnected piles and piled raft foundation ESCOFFIER Sandra Génie civil, géotechnique sismique, interaction dynamique sol-structure
GERS - EE Construction and assessment of scenarios for the deployment of sustainable urban drainage systems, on a metropolitan scale CHANCIBAULT Katia Hydro-climatologie urbaine
GERS - EE Liquid NMR developments at different magnetic fields for deciphering dissolved organic matter and nanoparticle interactions COURTIER-MURIAS Denis Chimie analytique
GERS - EE Understanding the effect of the organic matrix of soil on the mechanisms controlling nanoparticle transport in porous media COURTIER-MURIAS Denis Transport en milieu poreux
GERS - EE Anthropogenic metallic nanoparticles in urban stormwater: detection, data processing and quantification PEYNEAU Pierre-Emmanuel Sciences de l'environnement, géochimie
GERS - EE Hydrological modelling of the impact of stormwater infiltration on soil water status in an urban context - Adaptation of the modelling to descriptive data at the neighbourhood scale. RODRIGUEZ Fabrice Sciences environnementales. Hydrologie
GERS - GeoEND Imaging methodology combining seismic surface waves and DC geoelectrical information - Application to the urban environment in the context of climate change LEPAROUX Donatienne Géophysique
GERS - SRO Homogenized Models with Flexible Supports for the Study of the Soil-Structure Interaction during the Assessment of the Seismic Vulnerability of Regular Buildings CHESNAIS Céline génie civil, dynamique des sols et des structures
ISTerre Health monitoring of civil engineering structures and structural condition-based decision GUILLOT Stéphane Sciences de la terre, (Géophysique) et Sciences Pour l’Ingénieur (Génie Civil) – Risques naturels, Infrastructures, bâtiments, ouvrage d’art
LVMT The urban densification of railway station districts in Région Hauts-de-France --- Observing, measuring, predicting LHOSTIS Alain Amnagement urbanisme
MAST - GPEM Design of a digital serious game for life cycle thinking education in the context of urban metabolism VENTURA Anne Génie civil
Navier Hybridization between Physical Models and Artificial Neural Networks for Studying the Hygrothermal Behavior of Bio-Based and Geo-Based Construction Materials BENZARTI Karim Sciences des Matériaux
Navier Modeling and simulation approaches to study the viscoelastic behavior of polymer gels PUOSI Francesco Sciences des Matériaux
Navier /
Foam-MICP: Foam mediated Microbiologically Induced Calcite Precipitation PITOIS Olivier / GUEGUEN Marielle Sciences des Matériaux
Dynamic rolling model for predicting tyre/road noise using statistical hybrid method CESBRON Julien / TREYSSEDE Fabien Acoustique et vibrations