Ifsttar PhD subject


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Detailed form :

Title : Multiscale analysis of pavement texture – effect on road pavement skid resistance

Main host Laboratory - Referent Advisor   -     
Director of the main host Laboratory   -  
PhD Speciality Tribologie, traitement du signal, analyse des surfaces
Axis of the performance contract 2 - COP2017 - More efficient and resilient infrastructure
Main location Nantes
Doctoral affiliation ECOLE CENTRALE NANTES
PhD school
Planned PhD supervisor CEREZO Véronique  -  Université Gustave Eiffel  -  AME - EASE
Planned PhD co-supervisor ZAHOUANI Hassan  -  Ecole Centrale de Lyon  -  LTDS
Planned financing Thèse sur contrat  - Ifsttar


The objective of this thesis is to develop a multiscale decomposition method to explain the effect of different texture scales on the evolution of skid resistance with polishing and which can be integrated into a multicriteria optimization system of pavement properties. An experimental study is carried out in the laboratory on samples of asphalt mixes and aggregate mosaics to simulate the polishing induced by road traffic and to map the texture corresponding to the different polishing states. A multiscale decomposition based on continuous wavelets is then done on each map. This multiscale analysis allows us it to observe the various phenomena involve in the polishing of pavements (bitumen removal, general wear, differential wear). Finally, a 3D contact model based on the theory of semi-infinite space is applied on each maps. It takes into account the multi –asperity aspect of the contact and the viscoelasticity of the tire rubber. At the output of the model, we have the contact pressures, the displacements induced by each asperity in the rubber and the real contact area. Evolution of these contact parameters with polishing permits to describe the evolution of skid resistance. This model permits to make good numerical estimation of skid resistance. Coupling between this contact model and multiscale decomposition metho allows us to estimate the overall skid resistance from multiscale skid resistance. The weights of different scales on skid resistance are considered in these calculations

Keywords : skid resistance, polishing, texture, multiscale analysis, contact model, wavelets
List of topics
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