Ifsttar PhD subject


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Detailed form :

Title : Dynamic population evacuation

Main host Laboratory - Referent Advisor COSYS - GRETTIA  -  ZARGAYOUNA Mahdi      tél. : +33 181668698 
Director of the main host Laboratory OUKHELLOU Latifa  -  
PhD Speciality Informatique
Axis of the performance contract 1 - COP2017 - Efficient transport and safe travel
Main location Marne-la-Vallée
Doctoral affiliation UNIVERSITE PARIS-EST
Planned PhD supervisor ZARGAYOUNA Mahdi  -  Université Gustave Eiffel  -  COSYS - GRETTIA
Planned PhD co-supervisor RACHEDI Abderrezak  -  Université Gustave Eiffel  -  LIGM
Planned financing Contrat doctoral  - Ifsttar


This thesis aims to improve planning and executing population evacuations by integrating advanced simulation techniques within urban road networks. Although much research has been conducted using analytical methods, this thesis addresses specific gaps, especially in destination and route choices. It further introduces vehicular communication into evacuation planning, providing a more adaptive and realistic approach to various evacuation scenarios.
The work underscores simulation as a pivotal tool, enabling dynamic modeling of population evacuations. It links shelter allocation and traffic assignment to replicate the movement patterns of individuals across transport networks. Moreover, this study emphasizes the significant role of vehicular communication technology in amplifying the efficiency of evacuation planning and execution. It highlights the importance of real-time coordination and adaptive management in ever-changing conditions.
By exploring multiple scenarios, we show that online management, paired with vehicular communication technology, can enhance the efficiency of evacuation processes. This is especially true when integrated with well-structured Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) architectures. The research also suggests that various VANET architectures can influence the reliability of vehicular communication in emergencies, offering critical insights for designing vehicular networks ideal for emergency evacuations.
Furthermore, this thesis successfully introduces dynamic risk modeling of hazard propagation, facilitating a more detailed and adaptive approach to evacuee simulations. By incorporating dynamic risk factors, the potential for more advantageous outcomes in evacuation planning and real-time operational management is unveiled, especially in rapidly changing conditions.

Keywords : Dynamic Traffic Assignment, VANET, User Equilibrium, Inter-vehicle Communication, Multi-agent System, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, Simulation, System Optimal, Optimization, Operations Research.
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