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Author Index - T - 10 articles

Author: Tanev Ivan

Affiliation: Doshisha University (Japan)

Title: Preventing driving accidents via detection of driver-induced steering oscillations

Keywords: steering oscillation, human factor in transportation, cognitive load, accident prevention, TORCS

Session: 1B

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Author: Tavares Sofia

Affiliation: Universidade de Évora, Departamento de Psicologia (Portugal)

Title: Texting distracted driving behaviour among European drivers: influence of social norms and risk perception

Keywords: distracted driving behaviour, texting while driving, social norms, risk perception, inattention

Session: 4A

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Author: Techer Franck

Affiliation: Ifsttar, Laboratoire Ergonomie et Sciences Cognitives pour les Transports (France) | University of Nantes, Laboratoire de Psychologie des Pays de la Loire (France)

Title: Effects of driver's anger state on driving performance and attention


Session: 4B

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Author: Tejero Pilar

Affiliation: ERI-Lectura, Universidad de Valencia (Spain)

Title: Visual demands of traffic signs in control drivers and drivers with reading impairment

Keywords: traffic signs, readability, eye, tracking, dyslexia

Session: 7A

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Author: Teller Carolin

Affiliation: Technische Universität Braunschweig (Germany)

Title: Observational study on driver secondary tasks in German cities

Keywords: handheld cell phone, texting while driving, eating, drinking, smoking, observational study, prevalence, situational influences, driver characteristics

Session: 9A

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Author: Torfs Katrien

Affiliation: BRSI (Belgium)

Title: The ESRA-project: towards a joint European monitoring system on road user's safety attitudes

Keywords: European survey, attitudes, behaviour, safety culture

Session: 4A

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Author: Torfs Katrien

Affiliation: Belgian Road Safety Institute, Knowledge Centre (Belgium)

Title: The impact of distraction on driving behaviour of car drivers in urban traffic. Results of a simulator-based study

Keywords: driving simulator, distraction, driving behaviour

Session: 9A

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Author: Tran Ashleigh

Affiliation: University of Kansas (United States)

Title: Differences in calibration of skills in distracted driving situations

Keywords: risky decision making, texting, driving, cognitive

Session: 4B

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Author: Trigoso José

Affiliation: Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa (Portugal)

Title: Texting distracted driving behaviour among European drivers: influence of social norms and risk perception

Keywords: distracted driving behaviour, texting while driving, social norms, risk perception, inattention

Session: 4A

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Author: Trotta Marie

Affiliation: BRSI (Belgium)

Title: The ESRA-project: towards a joint European monitoring system on road user's safety attitudes

Keywords: European survey, attitudes, behaviour, safety culture

Session: 4A

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