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Author Index - A - 14 articles

Author: Ahlstrom Christer

Affiliation: The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (Sweden)

Title: A data driven method to extract visual time-sharing sequences from naturalistic driving data

Keywords: glance behaviour, analysis, visual time, sharing

Session: 1A

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Author: Ahlstrom Christer

Affiliation: The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (Sweden)

Title: Attention allocation of cyclists in interaction with other road users

Keywords: cyclists, system situational awareness, glance behaviour

Session: 5B

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Author: Ahlstrom Christer

Affiliation: The Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (Sweden)

Title: Minimum required attention

Keywords: distraction, driver behaviour, attentional processes, mental models, situation awareness, visual search

Session: 2A

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Author: Aillerie Isabelle

Affiliation: Ifsttar, Laboratoire Exploitation, Perception, Simulateurs et Simulations (France)

Title: Cognitive conspicuity of cyclists for motorists: the effect of knowledge concerning risky situations?

Keywords: attention, vulnerable road user, cyclist, conspicuity, car driver

Session: 5B

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Author: Aillerie Stéphane

Affiliation: Ifsttar, Laboratoire Exploitation, Perception, Simulateurs et Simulations (France)

Title: Cognitive conspicuity of cyclists for motorists: the effect of knowledge concerning risky situations?

Keywords: attention, vulnerable road user, cyclist, conspicuity, car driver

Session: 5B

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Author: Albert Gila

Affiliation: The Ran Naor Research Institute (Israel) | Holon Institute of Technology (Israel)

Title: How many times do young drivers actually touch their smartphone screens while driving?

Keywords: monitoring, smartphones, distraction, young drivers

Session: 1A

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Author: Amalberti René

Affiliation: CEO FONCSI, Fondation pour une culture de sécurité industrielle (France)

Title: Distraction and inattention on the road: biases and profits of a connected world


Session: KN

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Author: Ameyoe Ablamvi

Affiliation: RENAULT SAS (France) | Institut de Recherche en Communications et en Cybernétique de Nantes (France)

Title: Analysis of a driver model sensitivity to various types of distraction

Keywords: parameter identification, driver state estimation, distraction, steering behaviour

Session: 1B

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Author: Andersson Puk

Affiliation: Trafitec (Denmark)

Title: Do LED-advertising signs affect driver attention?

Keywords: distraction, advertising, LED signs

Session: 3B

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Author: Antoniou Constantinos

Affiliation: Technical University of Munich (Germany)

Title: How does distracted driving affect lateral position of older drivers?

Keywords: lateral position, driving simulator, driving performance, older drivers

Session: 7A

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Author: Antrobus Vicki

Affiliation: The University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)

Title: Stimulating conversation: engaging drivers in natural language interactions with an autonomous digital driving assistant to counteract passive task-related fatigue

Keywords: natural language interface, digital assistant, driving, simulation, wizard of oz, driver arousal, driver fatigue, driving performance, visual behaviour

Session: 7B

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Author: Aokuyama Haruko

Affiliation: Honda R&D Co. (Japan)

Title: Effect of visual distraction on response time for lane change with partially automated vehicle

Keywords: partially automated vehicle, lane change, reaction time, visual distraction

Session: 3A

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Author: Areal Alain

Affiliation: Prevenção Rodoviária Portuguesa (Portugal)

Title: Texting distracted driving behaviour among European drivers: influence of social norms and risk perception

Keywords: distracted driving behaviour, texting while driving, social norms, risk perception, inattention

Session: 4A

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Author: Atchley Paul

Affiliation: University of Kansas (United States)

Title: Differences in calibration of skills in distracted driving situations

Keywords: risky decision making, texting, driving, cognitive

Session: 4B

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